Gender & Sexuality

The Invisibility of International LGBTQ+ Students on U.S. Campuses

While U.S. higher education promotes the benefits of U.S. college students studying abroad and attracts…

My Queer Story

Growing up, I had a family that was incredibly open and understanding of minority issues,…

Rep. Matt Krause’s investigation is fueling the HIV epidemic.

This World AIDS Day, Texas state representative Matt Krause is hunting down books with information…

Collective Memory for Queer and Trans Liberation

Sitting by my 95-year-old grandmother’s hospital bed, I listened in rapt attention as she told…

Why We Need The Annual Transgender Day of Awareness on November 20

Just like any traumatic experience, I can remember exactly where I was when the phone…

The Formation of Identities Through BDSM

If you were to view Tymber Dalton on any normal day, her life would look…

Do Ask, Do Tell: Coverage Urgent for LGBTQ+ Vets and Service Members

Despite the near decade since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the mental health impact of…

Time to Reset: Black Women Thriving Beyond Overworking

A few years ago, I wrote an article called “The Price of Success“; I started…

Perspective from my Knees

Maybe we should collect all the adolescent girls in America and send them out to…

Death Rounds

A narrative palimpsest in video and audio form, which layers the complicated interplay between domestic…

A Filipinx woman (me) squats on the floor in front of an airport window, arms outstretched, hands resting on her luggage in front of her. She is holding her passport and boarding pass. Outside, and ANA jet is being prepped for flight.
We Can Never Be White Here: A Filipinx Immigrant Reflects on the Atlanta Shooting

The morning of March 18, 2021 found me awake and unable to sleep. I wanted…

Social Media: The Messenger for the Diet Culture Industry that Targets Teen Girls

I used to think of my brain as a courtroom. It existed in the center…

I Am a Brown Asian with Smooth Skin

SPRING 1984 Yellow fever. I learned about yellow fever from my first white boyfriend. When…

Asian Women Have Bad Days, Too

The Atlanta shootings on March 16, 2021 make us wonder, how does a person get…