
Again And Again

Never again the holocaust of Jews, of Slavs, of dissenters, of the mixed or mismatched…

The broom

Whenever I pick up the broom, you run upstairs to hide– even when I let…


Don’t use conventional language in a poem they say, it’s cliché. So no smoke and…

Among the Ruins

Kicking loose stones out of his way, a tea farmer climbs down a mountainside towards…

Fertile Futility

This fertile futility creates havoc, Makes me undo what’s already done— Challenge all I know…

Lonely In a Crowded Room

A lyric on my lips from a song I’ve forgotten. A spindle I prick my…


Under Tiki huts, Tables with margaritas, Salt spilled on the floor. I admired Jimmy Buffet,…

Riverboat Resistance

Damien Ricketts, co-captain of the riverboat, Harriot II, probably thought he was as alone as…

This Was a Person

I watch a man caught in the crook of another man’s arm die again and…


Chinese virus. Disaster, chaos, beware of the Chinese virus. News report: another Asian American fallen…

The Black Woman in America

The life of a Black Woman in America The most disrespected person So much weighs…


I became forgotten long ago In my homeland, in Seoul Orphaned and alone I was…

A Forest of Hope

The dull roar of the Pacific behind her, Hideko Tamura Snider, has planted ginkgos, whose…

In Gun We Trust

In these troublesome times, Certainly God forgives our fears And admits we deserve protection. After…

Love This Way of Doing Winter

When I was young, a blizzard snowed us in for a week. My house was…