
Electricity for All is a Right

On a recent rainy afternoon, on the side of Nicaragua’s highest mountain, Cerro Mogotón, coffee…

Urban Farming leads to Climate Justice

“Nature teaches us harmony” “Just Transition is a principle, a process and a practice.” ~…

Climate change is here. What can we do about it?

How do we find the strength to not look away from all that is breaking…

Every Tenth of a Degree of Warming Matters

Working in climate policy as someone under 30, every day I wake up with the…

Planning Without Us is Not For Us.

A quiet power grab is underway by city staff and it threatens your neighborhood’s ability…

Reversing Our Climate Crisis

Like an overheated car, an overcooked dinner, or a person with a fever, we are…

In addressing climate change, don’t forget the locals

One day last week, nearly 30 people filled a virtual Zoom space; two groups composed…

The Value of Being Ordinary: Access to Energy is Not Like Youth Sports or GRE Scores

As an electrical engineering professor, I’m used to people thinking that access to electrical energy…

The Climate Crisis Solution is Educational Institutions

Recently, NASA’s former chief climate scientist, James Hansen, blasted U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson for…

After Years of Neglect, The City of Dallas has an Opportunity to Actually Stand with Residents in Our Community

After failing for almost three years to address the dumping of 100,000 tons of illegal…

We’re not separate from our environment.

My body lurched and pressed against the young male doctor in training next to me,…

COVID-19: On Interconnectedness

Perhaps ultimately, spiritual simply means experiencing wholeness and interconnectedness directly, a seeing that individuality and…

Anniversary of a Major Drilling Accident in Arlington Renews Need to Protect Texas Residents

Five years ago, my home city of Arlington experienced a major drilling accident. During fracking operations,…

Artivism: La Machetera Chronicles

Fires, floods, earthquakes, ongoing humanitarian crises, COVID-19… the list goes on. If you’ve been paying…

Mother Earth

As artists, we draw inspiration from the world around us. It is heartbreaking to watch…