
Dear 53%

“Dear women of color, time to get in formation.” This single sentence tweet from She…

Reading is Essential to Political Power

The ability and willingness to read has always enabled upward social mobility. Reading is a…

What It Means to “Trust the Body” in The Time of Trump

“Facts matter” flashes across screens constantly as an important contrast to the swirl of misinformation…

Karen, Meet Kamala: Candidates of Color are the Future

The nomination of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s vice president has sent Republicans into a…

Who Should Define Religious Freedom and Our Nation’s Moral and Spiritual Future?

The combination of two recent Supreme Court rulings—one allowing public funds to be allocated to parochial…

Breathing Space: An American Muslim Experiences Protests and Rallies

“It’s like Eid prayer at the convention center,” My eight year old daughter looked up…

It’s Time for the Left to Reclaim Patriotism

Last weekend, the country lost a man who fought for voting rights, for justice, for…

“The Revolution will not be Comfortable”

In recent weeks, Facebook groups have imploded and splintered to form new explicitly anti-racist groups. Fandoms are divided online…

Barriers to Belonging: Fear, Citizenship, and the Census

The COVID-19 virus has hit the United States at such a large scale and affected…

The Cost of Not Being Counted: Why The Census Matters

Achieving a fair and accurate census count is incredibly important when we look at the…

Undercounted and Underfunded: LGBT Representation in the Census

The Census is a tool for communities to gain proper representation and funding for resources.…

It Was More Than Just Food: The Impact of the U.S Census on Student Breakfast Programming & College Funding

For as long as I can remember I always wanted to make an impact in…

Anniversary of a Major Drilling Accident in Arlington Renews Need to Protect Texas Residents

Five years ago, my home city of Arlington experienced a major drilling accident. During fracking operations,…

If we want a democracy after Covid-19, we can’t wait and see what happens next with elections. We have to decide what happens next.

The United States is on the precipice of authoritarianism. Our elected officials are actively fighting…

The Best Thank You to COVID Heroes is a Living Wage

Who would you say are the heroes of the COVID-19 crisis? Answers quickly lean to…