
Friendship is a Gift from God

Everyone has that one friend who you have not seen for a long time but…

Jacarandas Do Not Grow in Washington

Out of necessity and need for change, I moved far away from the beautiful place…

The Schizophrenic Whistle-Blower

My story begins with the Tuskegee experiments. Shadowy White supremacist organizations in the government basically…

A Potted Plant in the Forest

At the age of six I stood behind velvet curtains dreaming of another world. As…

The Mother I Never Knew

I grew up knowing I was adopted. I found out at a very young age.…

Why Secrets Hurt

I love surprises.  I love when a friend comes to visit me with flowers or…

Get Chummy with Strangers

I am an African-American woman in my mid 50’s, who, in all aspects of my…

Moments ?

Grief. A process I can’t describe but here, for you, I’ll try. There’s a layer…

“Don’t Take My Monuments!” Coping with America’s Identity Crisis

On Saturday, Dallas police officers responded to reports on social media about a possible white…

I Was Robbed and You Could Be Next

As a child of poverty and a nonprofit professional advocating for economic opportunity and financial…

Beyond Our Dreams

If someone had told me ten years ago that I would one day be living…

The Price of Success

Young children are told to work hard academically, and success will naturally come to you.  A…

Post-Traumatic Growth

For about 19 years, I had a home. Not a dream-worthy one, but a stable…

Expanding Our Family

For about 11 months, I had my family – the one I’d always dreamed of,…

“How Can You Be Adopted and Hate Adoption?”

“Having a baby and can’t take care of it? Don’t worry! Put your baby up…