Gender & Sexuality

Protect The Pump: Working New Mother MDs and DOs Need Support

Frontier Airlines recently settled a lawsuit brought by breastfeeding and lactating employees who had been told to wait…

Black Women Deserve More: Standing Up In Work and Life For Fairness

“How long shall the fair daughters of Africa be compelled to bury their minds and…

The dangers of social media filters for teen’s mental health

With the click of a computer key or smartphone app, anyone can erase their skin…

Poised under Pressure: The Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson

Accomplished, experienced, and poised, Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson made history in February as the first…

Femicide: Time to Address and End the Global Epidemic

Ingrid Escamilla was only 25 years old when she was murdered by her partner. Police found her dismembered body at her home in Mexico City in 2020. Escamilla’s husband,…

To Celebrate Women’s History Month Let’s Remember Kamala Harris is NOT the First Lady

On Equal Pay Day this month at the White House, President Biden mistakenly referred to…

“Dear Scared White Man”

Last Wednesday was the one year anniversary of the mass shooting in Atlanta, where six…

No Expiration Date: Sexuality for Older Women Needs Attention

Hollywood has recently started to keep pace with reality when it comes to portrayals of…


As college students across the country return to class—either remotely or in person—many will be…

Bye, Bi Shame

The first message I received about bisexuality was being told it didn’t exist. I was…

Children Are Not Pets: Why A Narrow Understanding of Family Fails Humanity

“Don’t choose pets over children.” In a recent weekly address at the Vatican, Pope Francis said that…

The Invisibility of International LGBTQ+ Students on U.S. Campuses

While U.S. higher education promotes the benefits of U.S. college students studying abroad and attracts…

My Queer Story

Growing up, I had a family that was incredibly open and understanding of minority issues,…

Rep. Matt Krause’s investigation is fueling the HIV epidemic.

This World AIDS Day, Texas state representative Matt Krause is hunting down books with information…

Collective Memory for Queer and Trans Liberation

Sitting by my 95-year-old grandmother’s hospital bed, I listened in rapt attention as she told…