
Brown Eyes

Brown Eyes Can I confide in you about a hesitancy that shadows me? Let me…

The Unrecognized Developmental Trauma of Early Relinquishment in Adoption

Note from Author Hello readers.  This writing is basically a paper lifted from my Master of…

Growing up Other in a “White Hot” Culture

I recently watched the new Netflix documentary White Hot: The Rise and Fall of Abercrombie…

My Adoption Story

My name is Miguel Jones, and I am an adoptee from the province of Hà…

A Stolen Life

A stolen life. Tossed away, or thrown. Way out, of my very first home. A…

After Yang: Racial Mirrors and the Adoptive Family

After Yang presents a techno fueled future musing on family, surveillance, and consciousness. The film…

Not to be Mentioned

I must have seen at least one expectant mother by the time I was eight,…

Not Everything is Adoption Sabotage

I read a quote on Instagram this week. It said something like: When people say…

Why Did She Run?

I was fascinated by the way she would take off and run. The wooden screen…

Out of The Blue

What did Virgo’s stars portend? A prophecy of place and time, a raison d’être. On…

lotus flower

while shopping for toys & stuffed horses for our young nieces, we come across a…


Before I was born the erasure of my origins was imprinted in my genes the…

The Stolen Birth Certificate: A Bastard Moment Memoir

In June 1989 my adoptive mom died about three weeks after suffering a debilitating stroke.…

White America Has Never Learned to Care for Black People

As protests continue around the country after the brutal killing of George Floyd, we are no…

The Intruder

Twelve years old, Summer 2004 “Do you ever think about your real parents?” Summer had…