
Combatting Isolation and Loneliness as the Pandemic Surges On

“My shadow’s the only one that walks beside me.” Green Day, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”…

Black Health Matters

Black lives do indeed matter and we stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter…

Health Care is a Right, Not a Privilege

Sorry, John Mackey. I’m here to remind you that preventative care is health care and…

Warp Speed Vaccine Development Does Not Elicit Confidence in All

Scientific and mathematical proficiency in the U.S. lags behind many in the international community. In the…

History Repeats Itself in D.C., the Legacy of Racial Violence Continues

As Washington, D.C. authorities arrested and ousted the extremist hate group leader linked to the…

Let’s Resurrect the Critical Mission of Colleges of Education

According to research by the Economic Policy Institute, the growing teacher shortage in the nation’s…

When “Give Me Liberty” Means “Give Me Death”: The Crazy Rich Asians Perspective on COVID-19

In the (amazing and perfect) movie Crazy Rich Asians, the haughty matriarch Eleanor Young declares,…

COVID vaccines for all will be here soon – why you should get one.

Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Our collective nightmare of suffering…

Women Faculty of Color Face Systemic Oppression in Academia

The tenure process is the academe’s “knee-on-neck” for faculty of color. Anyone who comes through this…

Biden Can’t Go Backwards on Criminal Justice Reform

Joe Biden campaigned openly on decarceration and reducing racial disparity in criminal justice and rehabilitation. …

The Case for Philosophy to be Taught in Schools

When I was very young, I had a lot of questions. I remember questioning my…

What the US Flag Means to Me

It’s time to let the United States flag fly freely once again as a symbol…

Dear 53%

“Dear women of color, time to get in formation.” This single sentence tweet from She…

Psychology shows us there are ways we can deal with COVID-19 uncertainty

Amidst the pandemic, uncertainty has become omnipresent—a thread woven through all parts of our lives…