
Want to stop AAPI hate? Start pronouncing Asian names correctly.

May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, a recognition of the contributions that Asian and Pacific…

Teen Vaping in The Time of COVID-19

Breath. It’s fundamental to our existence as human beings. The first and last thing we…

Reversing Our Climate Crisis

Like an overheated car, an overcooked dinner, or a person with a fever, we are…

In addressing climate change, don’t forget the locals

One day last week, nearly 30 people filled a virtual Zoom space; two groups composed…

How Higher Education in America Has Been Hijacked By Colonization Warfare and Why We Need To Fight Back Now

Democracy is under siege globally, including among our colleges and institutions of higher learning. Cultivating…

Dallas Voters Should Allow Non-Citizens to Serve

Leaders create more leaders, not followers. The Dallas city’s boards and commissions should be open…

Fashion Brand, Where Are You From?

A few weeks ago, one of my friends who were preparing for his own modern…

The best path to redirect your life is to go back to school, online.

At this point in the pandemic, we’ll take any glimmer of hope we can. Three…

Collective Relief and a Call to Action

I had to pull my car over because the tears were blurring my vision. As…

The video depictions of racial terror are today’s “Strange Fruit.” We Shouldn’t Share Them.

While we wait for the Derek Chauvin verdict, I can’t stop thinking about the role…

Are We Facing a New Era of Medical Science? mRNA-Based Therapies beyond the Covid-19 Vaccines

I am a high school student who has been living the highs and lows of…

Sports Journalism Could Have Helped Us Tackle COVID-19

President Biden and former President Barack Obama will be appearing in the “Roll Up Your…

Lives Depend on Ethnic Studies

The United States is built, in part, on a legacy of anti-Asian violence. The blaming…

It’s Time to Insure Regenerative Medicine

Aging baby-boomers have increased the demand for tissues and organs, with approximately half a million Americans…