Health & Wellness

The Real Reason for the Embarrassing State of my Toenails This Summer

Like so many others, I do everything from home these days. And consequently, I rarely…

Breath And Hands: Both Unite For A New Normal

Breath. It connects two concurrent pandemics—the threat to breath and life due to coronavirus and…

Healthcare Providers are Harming Trans Patients

Yesterday I received a consult about a transgender patient who was suicidal. The team had…

The Cost of Not Being Counted: Why The Census Matters

Achieving a fair and accurate census count is incredibly important when we look at the…

I Refuse to Return to Normal: The Philanthropic Edition

As we begin putting our thoughts to returning to normal, some of us do not…

No Place Like Prison: Release Detainees During COVID

While many claim home feels like a prison these days, it most assuredly is not.…

From One White Woman to Another: Self-Care is Not for Us

More than once in the last three years, I’ve gotten lost in West Wing binges…

Anniversary of a Major Drilling Accident in Arlington Renews Need to Protect Texas Residents

Five years ago, my home city of Arlington experienced a major drilling accident. During fracking operations,…

Are We Really in This Pandemic Together?

Don’t be fooled by romantic talk about how COVID-19 spotlights the common plight of humans…how…

If we want a democracy after Covid-19, we can’t wait and see what happens next with elections. We have to decide what happens next.

The United States is on the precipice of authoritarianism. Our elected officials are actively fighting…

Unfair Distribution: Funds Need To Go To Women & Girls Who Need It Now

Before the onslaught of COVID-19, approximately 1.6% of philanthropic giving in the United States was…

The Day I Came Home to Myself

I wear two identities. In one, I am an Indian immigrant raising my mixed-race daughter…

Dead or Alive? Confusion in North Texas Will Cost Lives

In North Texas, Collin County Commissioners are passing the buck instead of collaborating with cities…

COVID- 19: 75217 Should Be The Priority in Dallas

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to be socially distant and we are experiencing anxiety…

False Sense of Shelter: Wounds of Violence Assault Reproductive Justice

The constant drumbeat of news of the global pandemic of COVID-19 may render a false…