
Unplanned Lessons: Reflections on Teaching Writing

When Joseph remained in his seat after the bell, I didn’t know much about him…

The best path to redirect your life is to go back to school, online.

At this point in the pandemic, we’ll take any glimmer of hope we can. Three…

Lives Depend on Ethnic Studies

The United States is built, in part, on a legacy of anti-Asian violence. The blaming…

Sea of White Faces Across America’s Teaching Force

When “China virus” or “Kung flu” became racist substitutions for the pandemic, are we surprised…

Lessons Learned from Remote Learning

We are in the midst of one of the most challenging times in the history…

The Climate Crisis Solution is Educational Institutions

Recently, NASA’s former chief climate scientist, James Hansen, blasted U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson for…

Is This Another Reconstruction?

Yes. The pain of reconstruction is here. Now systems are shifting as many in the…

A Very Brief Look At How the U.S. Education System Has Failed Black Students

There was an acute feeling of shame when my eighth grade history teacher clicked on…

Ethnic Studies Saved My Life

A proposed legislation recognizing the centrality of race, ethnicity, and social justice in high school…

Let’s Resurrect the Critical Mission of Colleges of Education

According to research by the Economic Policy Institute, the growing teacher shortage in the nation’s…

Women Faculty of Color Face Systemic Oppression in Academia

The tenure process is the academe’s “knee-on-neck” for faculty of color. Anyone who comes through this…

A Parent & Adjunct Assistant Professor’s Guide to the Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic has been an informing moment in time for me.  When life changed…

A Student’s Guide to Self-Management During the Pandemic

For millions of students enrolled in college programs, this year looks drastically different than previous…

The Case for Philosophy to be Taught in Schools

When I was very young, I had a lot of questions. I remember questioning my…

Critical Race Theory is Critical to Our Continued Understanding of Societal Injustice

Donald Trump recently issued a directive to end diversity and inclusion training that uses critical…