Public Voices

The OpEd Project’s Public Voices Fellowship is a national initiative to dramatically increase the public impact of our nation’s top underrepresented thinkers, and to ensure our ideas help shape the important conversations of our age.

What the US Flag Means to Me

It’s time to let the United States flag fly freely once again as a symbol…

October is “Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month”

My four-year-old daughter, Xun — her name means wind in Chinese — started attending the…

Psychology shows us there are ways we can deal with COVID-19 uncertainty

Amidst the pandemic, uncertainty has become omnipresent—a thread woven through all parts of our lives…

The Cultural Legacy of “Negrita”

J.Lo is not Black nor does she claim that identity when she uses the term…

Critical Race Theory is Critical to Our Continued Understanding of Societal Injustice

Donald Trump recently issued a directive to end diversity and inclusion training that uses critical…

Why Fiddling is the Perfect Hobby During Quarantine

During these days of pandemic uncertainty, many Americans have taken up all sorts of new…

Heritage Month: Translations Of One Humanity Beyond October

As immigrants in this country, many face hard realities like leaving our home countries due…

Don’t Buy That Sweater. It’s Exploiting a Woman.

It creeps into your feed as you try to avoid more bad news: a richly-colored…

Reading is Essential to Political Power

The ability and willingness to read has always enabled upward social mobility. Reading is a…

What It Means to “Trust the Body” in The Time of Trump

“Facts matter” flashes across screens constantly as an important contrast to the swirl of misinformation…

Give Voice to Those With Communication Disorders

Forty million Americans have communication disorders, according to the American Speech Language Hearing Association. That…

Karen, Meet Kamala: Candidates of Color are the Future

The nomination of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s vice president has sent Republicans into a…

Who Should Define Religious Freedom and Our Nation’s Moral and Spiritual Future?

The combination of two recent Supreme Court rulings—one allowing public funds to be allocated to parochial…

The Real Reason for the Embarrassing State of my Toenails This Summer

Like so many others, I do everything from home these days. And consequently, I rarely…