
Why Equity Matters More than Equality in Higher Ed

The Supreme Court is currently weighing the merits of dismantling affirmative action, which was designed…

Standardized Testing as a Racialized Assessment: The Invisible Gatekeeper for Black Students

In 2018, I applied to over eight institutions with a bachelor’s degree and two master’s…

The racial achievement gap: The danger of a single story of Black students.

“Black students are failing.” This is the focus of discussion in most academic and educational…

How Professors Can Use Open Educational Resources to Help Our Most Vulnerable Students

Before the pandemic, we knew college students were stressed out, and a good bit of…

Tip Your Baristas

Whenever a customer doesn’t tip, I’m reminded that this is not why I came here.…

Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing” Should Be Mandatory in Higher Ed

A research nonprofit called Open Syllabus collected more than 15 million class syllabi from colleges…

An educational intervention that can lengthen life expectancy for black youth

Black-American women with PhDs die earlier than white women who are high school dropouts. This…

Why Black Preschoolers Are Still Being Expelled at Staggering Rates

As the holiday season approaches, many preschool children will get to spend extra time with…

The American Education System is Failing Black and Brown Children

The United States sits in first place for highest incarceration rates in the world. There…

We’re failing to protect disabled kids. Here’s how to change that.

This month, a Disability Royal Commission of Australia met to hear testimony about violence, abuse, and…

Preventing Mass Shootings Starts with Community Resilience

Last week, a gunman in Thailand who was a former police sergeant attacked a child…

Book Bans are about More than Books. It Bans Students’ Exposure to Marginalized Others.

A recent report indicated that the United States has an exponentiating number of book bans.  Over…

Censor No More: Why Education Gag Orders Create More Social Division

As a student in the 1990s and early 2000s, I did not learn about queer…

The COVID-19 outbreak and the flexibility of remote work have sparked an explosion of homeschooling.

Consider that about 3% of students in the US were homeschooled prior to the pandemic,…

I’m an Environmental Educator. Attacks on CRT Also Threaten Environmental Justice Education.

Teachers have been leading the only national protests about anti-history education and anti-Critical Race Theory…