November brings thoughts of closure and completion – sometimes willing and sometimes imposed – as…
Rage and Grief are playing hide and seek. Rage covers its eyes and counts to…
Down narrow corridors of the Muskowekwan School for Indigenous Children, we enter the nightmare of…
We think of death as merely the opposite of life and in a fundamental and…
August – named after Roman emperor Augustus Caesar – with its loaded name arrives carrying…
What did Virgo’s stars portend? A prophecy of place and time, a raison d’être. On…
Yer’d think dat some great folks done come Like Linctom, Grant and Douglas wuz, Er…
Wolf came to me, once. I thought about Faust. “My perception creates my forest,” said…
Ideas lie dormant, A pensive reflection, they are. Inside the cave of fortune Broken like…
Oh, Children of War! “I want to read something to you. I will translate.” Salam…
I want to get the fuck out of this bodily prison. U N …
“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love,…
It starts with a bang a 21 year old a 13 year old 8 shots…
The entire family were crammed into the room. Not a vacant spot could be found.…
Don’t assume that I am grateful to be here Six Asian women shot left for…