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The Long and Winding Road to Women’s Suffrage

The Long and Winding Road to Women’s Suffrage

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

Formally ratified as the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution on August 18, 1920, these words provided some women the right to vote nationwide. Today marks the anniversary of its passage in Texas, the ninth of 36 states to ratify the amendment after more than 50 years of debate. Next year, for the hundredth anniversary of the 19th Amendment, Dallas has big plans to celebrate.

The Communities Foundation of Texas has joined forces with various philanthropic partners to create the 19th Amendment Centennial Fund. The fund will support the creation of a year-long series of events in recognition of the 19th Amendment’s centennial anniversary through grants awarded to Dallas-based organizations working to create conversation, drive positive change, and build strategies to advance gender equity.

Partners from across Dallas came together on June 14th at the Communities Foundation of Texas to learn more about what is planned for the recognition of this milestone. To illustrate the voting timeline of suffrage in the United States, community leaders shared pieces of the 19th Amendment’s history and how it affected certain groups. The powerful demonstration highlighted the inequities that existed and still remain today.

“I reflected on the magnitude of what we lose when the richness of perspective and voice you represented is missing,” said Sarah Cotton Nelson, Chief Philanthropy Officer for Communities Foundation of Texas. “When even one of us is not at the table to speak, to vote, and to direct where we as a nation go from here, we cannot say that our nation is living out its stated values that we pledge to the flag: with liberty and justice for all.”

The 19th Amendment Centennial LOI Application is now open and due on August 29th at 5pm. Click here to learn more.

The Voting Timeline


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