Gender & Sexuality

Victims of Sexual Assault by Identity Fraud Deserve Legal Protection

The lies of Congressman George Santos have inspired multiple new law reform proposals. However, lying…

Let’s not call illegal harassment of transgender students bullying

“Nobody is under any obligation to be kind to me in school,” argued Montana State…

Examine the ancient world to understand the current transgender athlete debate

At the beginning of the year, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals held that a…

It’s Time to Stop Hating Periods: Reflections on Menstruation During Women’s History Month

Six years ago, a diagnosis of cervical adenocarcinoma in situ (a precancerous condition that can…

Listening to More Stories: International Women’s Day Honors Global Displaced Narratives

Many people in my life who identify as women have contributed to my understanding of…

Toxic Masculinity: A Review of Current Domestic Violence Practices & Their Outcomes

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a phenomena that occurs all too often in our society.…

The War in Ukraine Through a Gendered Lens

As predicted, Russia’s new offensive in Ukraine appears to have begun. The US and Europe…

Undue Burden: The Cost of Pregnancy in the U.S.

The 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark legislation that legalized abortion in America,…

What We Owe Sexual Assault Survivors

Harvey Weinstein is challenging a recent conviction of three counts of rape and sexual assault in…

Calling all women in STEM: Let’s more consciously create and use our networks!

As an East Asian (Korean) woman in academic medicine, I am not statistically underrepresented, but there…

Tip Your Baristas

Whenever a customer doesn’t tip, I’m reminded that this is not why I came here.…

Main Events Impacting Rights of Women in 2022

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” sang Andy Williams about the holiday season.…

Dear God: Why Does Gendered Hollywood Bend To White Women Saviors in Film?

A local movie theater recently featured a poster for Dallas Jenkins’s, “The Chosen,” a series about…

Hiding Ourselves Behind Beauty Standards

I slept about two hours last night. Why? Abortion is becoming increasingly inaccessible with the…

Why Hearing Women’s Voices Involves Shutting the **** Up

The record-breaking House of the Dragon HBO series features Rhaenyra Targaryen, a princess protagonist facing…