Public Voices

The OpEd Project’s Public Voices Fellowship is a national initiative to dramatically increase the public impact of our nation’s top underrepresented thinkers, and to ensure our ideas help shape the important conversations of our age.

The U.S. Must Substantively Support U.N. Permanent Forum on People of African Descent

May 25th marks the third anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black…

COVID Over? Benefits For Those Experiencing Homelessness Must Continue

In the more than three years since COVID first ravaged through the world as one…

King Charles should return the jewels in his crown

The newly crowned King Charless III wants to embrace a multicultural and multi faith United…

How Michelle Yeoh has redefined the meaning of superhero, and what this means for me as a mom

Michelle Yeoh recently made history, becoming the first Asian-identifying woman to win an Oscar for Best…

How becoming a noncustodial mother revealed a lack of peer support and social acceptance

It was a sunny and warm Southern California afternoon as I browsed in a quaint…

A look at Sri Lanka from 30,000 feet above on this full moon day

May 5th was Vesak. It is the Day of the Full Moon in the month of…

Victims of Sexual Assault by Identity Fraud Deserve Legal Protection

The lies of Congressman George Santos have inspired multiple new law reform proposals. However, lying…

Let’s not call illegal harassment of transgender students bullying

“Nobody is under any obligation to be kind to me in school,” argued Montana State…

Not your Grandfather’s Parkinson’s Disease

The discovery of a biomarker that is 90% accurate in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease…

Ensuring Environmental Justice Must Remain a National Priority

The recent signing of the Executive Order to create the White House Office of Environmental Justice…

Easter Sunday Bombings, the Five Precepts, and Sri Lankan Politics

Four years ago, on April 21, 2019, scores of Christian worshippers were bombed in 3…

We Don’t Deserve Recycling

As a sustainability professional in the healthcare industry, I’ve seen what people casually throw in…

Doctor Knows Better: This MD Says No To Abortion Pill Ban

The recent U.S. Supreme Court order to pause the case of a Texas ruling to ban mifepristone–…

Retaining Workers in a “Buyer’s Market”

Despite record-low unemployment as the economy emerges from the pandemic, companies continue to struggle to retain their workforce. Employee…

Prioritizing Obesity Prevention in Chicagoan Youth Populations

Obesity is a serious and costly issue in the United States (US), with obesity costing…