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Celebrate Immigrants: Dance for a Cause

Celebrate Immigrants: Dance for a Cause

VISIBLE Magazine is proud to partner with Dallas Fitness Ambassador and Zumba instructor Martha Palacios for a special fundraising event celebrating immigrants and the invaluable contributions they make to this country every single day.

Being immigrants ourselves, Martha and I have had lengthy discussions about what is happening at the border of our state. Like many, we often feel helpless. Martha describes herself as a “Joy-Driven Fitness Professional” and had the amazing idea to team up and find a way to be a positive light for the community in these darker times.

We decided to throw an outdoor Zumba party to raise money for a cause very close to our hearts. This all-levels class mixes low-intensity and high-intensity moves for a heart-pumping, endorphin-boosting workout. Here are photos and videos of Martha’s popular classes.

Proceeds from this event and our Celebrate Immigrants t-shirt collection will be donated to the Texas Civil Rights Project to support their work protecting the rights of immigrants in Texas. With the current administration’s unprecedented attacks on immigrant families and borderland communities, the Texas Civil Rights Project team has been on the frontlines of three critical issues with international implications:

  • The separation of families seeking safety in the United States
  • Construction of a border wall, largely on the private property of landowners living along the Rio Grande River
  • Militarization of the borderlands, with widespread human rights abuses

Their team has stepped up to the challenge of fighting back against these hateful policies, and we are proud to contribute towards their efforts with this fundraising event.

If you’re in the Dallas area, we hope you’ll join us next Saturday, September 21st at 8:30am outside of Union Coffee Shop for this event. Click here to learn more and buy your tickets today!

“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.” – Jana Stanfield

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