Health & Wellness

Breaking the Silence: A Call for Rapid Hepatitis C Testing to Save Black Lives in America

It’s time to break the silence on hepatitis C, a silent killer of Americans. Improved…

Why Racial Healing Is A Must for Everyone

Last week, we honored Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and National Day of Racial…

Christina Applegate’s Emmy’s appearance is an invitation to bring disability to the forefront in more spaces

Christina Applegate’s Emmy appearance, wherein she walked onstage using a cane and spoke openly about…

New Year Goals: Updating Perception and Recognition of Pharmacists

“I have an appointment with my insulin doctor.” “I’m seeing my pharmacologist today.” My patients…

Dialectical Thinking, Love Ethics, and Enduring a Strike

The climate at California State Universities is uneasy. Collective bargaining negotiations between the California Faculty…

Strong Enough: Respect The Physical Space of Black Women

Black women have been subjected to unfair scrutiny in multiple spaces for too long. Physical limitations are often imposed on women of color based on societal biases and…

Charity begins at home

Members of Congress just agreed to spend nearly 95 million dollars in humanitarian relief to victims of…

We need more physicians in community organizing.

As a physician-in-training, I’m always looking for ways to help our systems operate more like…

When the abuser wears a mask

Not long ago, the actor Jonathan Majors was found guilty of misdemeanor assault and harassment for his treatment…

Rising Cancer Rates Require Urgency and Systemic Solutions

Many people start the new year with resolutions to lead healthier lives. But healthy choices…

I am a real-life double exceptional high-achieving autistic woman. My life is not like ‘The Big Bang Theory’

“You can’t sit there; that’s my spot!” yells The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper. As…

ChatGPT for therapy? Houston, we have a problem

The US Space Force has clamped down on its use of ChatGPT, citing security concerns and the…

Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are A Threat, Even if You Don’t Want An Abortion

Reproductive rights advocates have long been warning people seeking abortion of the dangers of crisis…

End The Myths: Fertility Care Inaccessible for Black Women

It is a myth that Black women don’t seek fertility care or treatment. However, there…

It’s Time to Prioritize The Care Economy

We’re just a few weeks away from the world’s first International Day of Care and…