Rochelle Sennet

Rochelle Sennet is an associate dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and associate professor of piano at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  She is a voting member of the Recording Academy and a Public Voices Fellow with The OpEd Project.

3 Articles Published | Follow:
Invisible Wounds: End Higher Ed Internalized Racism

With graduation ceremonies concluded at campuses across the country, state and national leaders are dismantling…

Follow up in Higher Ed: Responses to DEI Attacks Require Deep Support

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and access initiatives continue to be under attack in many states, including Illinois, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, as well as…

Strong Enough: Respect The Physical Space of Black Women

Black women have been subjected to unfair scrutiny in multiple spaces for too long. Physical limitations are often imposed on women of color based on societal biases and…