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The Newly Discovered JFK Records: We Hope to Learn What We Already Know

The Newly Discovered JFK Records: We Hope to Learn What We Already Know

The government has released what would seem to be the remaining 80,000 documents concerning the JFK assassination. When a Trump official was asked whether she had learned anything new from the documents, she said it seemed as if there had been more than one gunman. Most people have arrived at that conclusion anyway. This begs the question of what we already know and what we really need to find out. Will the files really help us to find out what we really need to know?

So alright, let’s solve the JFK assassination. Or, let’s solve it as far as we can without the new files and let’s see what we need from those new files. First of all, the assassination was a conspiracy. Here is the evidence to show that. 1) It happened in Dallas. Kennedy had many enraged enemies in Dallas and Adlai Stevenson even warned him against going to that city. 2) The motorcade route was different from other presidential routes in the past, making it easier for assassins to hit Kennedy. 3) Oswald referred to himself as a patsy because he was; his only purpose was to take the blame. 4) He was interrogated by the police 3 times in one night and they did not take notes. Oswald was singing like a canary and naming names. 5) Oswald was then killed and took his secrets with him. Jack Ruby soon began saying he wanted to tell the truth but was too scared.

There is no doubt this was a conspiracy. All evidence points to it and a majority of Americans believe it. It could even be argued that the Warren Commission Report was a falsified document implicating all involved in the criminal cover up of the murder of a president of the United States. There were probably three assassins waiting in Dealey Plaza in a triangulated ambush, who either took advantage of the chosen route or were part of an organization that helped change the route to facilitate the assassination.

Let’s further analyze the 5 points above: Dallas was a hotbed of anti-Kennedy hatred. Recall the infamous Wanted for Treason posters and the attack on Adlai Stevenson a month before the assassination, in which he was spat on and physically assaulted by a mob. Texas oil barons had been benefitting from a massive tax break called the Oil Depletion Allowance, which let them write off much of their income from oil production. Kennedy vowed to eliminate or reduce it as an unfair gift to the super-rich. Texas oil barons saw Kennedy as a threat to their wealth and seethed over him.

Indeed, JFK planned massive tax reforms ending corporate loopholes and raising taxes on the ultra-rich. Many business leaders, including oil and banking leaders, saw him as an enemy of capitalism and a semi-socialist. Dallas was the absolute worst place for Kennedy to go in November 1963; this was the place where people who were gunning for him could accomplish their aim.

The motorcade route is essential to the assassination. Past motorcade plans had a straightforward route, but this one went through Dealey Plaza, requiring an abrupt turn that slowed the motorcade considerably, a perfect situation for an ambush. The route was announced on November 18, 1963, four days before the assassination. In fact, the motorcade had to make a 120-degree turn from Houston onto Elm, thus slowing the car down to about 10 mph. This placed JFK in a totally exposed situation in Dealey Plaza, the perfect situation for an ambush.

Other presidents had visited Dallas before, but Kennedy’s motorcade route was unique. The Dealey Plaza turn was unorthodox, not a standard route for presidential visits. No other president had traveled this type of route through Dealey Plaza before JFK.

This is one of the most compelling points: Oswald openly called himself a patsy, and he was the perfect fall-guy. He had CIA and FBI connections, had defected to the USSR, and was involved with pro- and anti-Castro groups. He became the perfect “lone nut” to blame. His quick arrest and the manner in which the police handled his interrogation are suspicious.

The fact that the police interrogated Oswald without any notes or recordings is, in fact, more than suspicious. They didn’t want a record of what he said because he was obviously naming names. If he was just a lone nut, why not document everything carefully?

Jack Ruby shooting Oswald is the most obvious evidence of a cover-up. Ruby claimed he was devastated over Kennedy’s assassination and needed to spare “Jackie” the pain of a trial; this is absurd and he changed his tune once in jail. Ruby had strong ties to the mob, FBI connections, and access to the police. He silenced Oswald before he could talk. If you watch the shooting, it even looks as if the guys escorting him knew what was going to happen – they were slow, careful and deliberate. It was staged. Perfect camera angle.

The JFK assassination was, basically, a coup. The evidence points to a number of malevolent stake holders including the CIA, FBI, mafia, Texas oilmen and Lyndon Johnson himself; they all had something to gain from Kennedy’s death. The motorcade route, Oswald’s quick arrest, his silencing murder by Ruby, and the Warren Commission’s effort to promote nonsense and cover up the truth all suggest a high-level murder and cover-up.

So we know Oswald was not the lone killer, if he even shot at Kennedy at all. His Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was a cheap, unreliable piece of junk. Even expert top marksmen have struggled to recreate Oswald’s three shots in under six seconds, at a moving target, with an outdated bolt-action rifle. The magic bullet theory is ridiculous, and the headshot trajectory clearly indicates a shot from the front, not the back.

Oswald was in the perfect place to take the fall, working at the Texas School Book Depository, where the “sniper’s nest” just happened to be found, and this broadcasts that this was a setup. The guy had CIA and FBI connections, was in and out of the Soviet Union and interfaced with Cuba-linked groups (pro and anti Castro), and then he gets awkwardly silenced by Jack Ruby before he can go to trial or talk to a lawyer? Classic patsy narrative. Once you see Oswald for what he really was, the rest of the story has to be a conspiracy. Pros were going to handle the killing and Lee Harvey Oswald would take the fall.

So who did it? There are 5 equally disreputable suspects: LBJ, the Texas Oil Barons, the FBI (at that time), the Mafia, the CIA (at that time). You can also throw anti-Castro Cubans in there.

Lyndon Baines Johnson was as dirty as they get. He had a history of voter fraud in Texas, was involved in the Bobby Baker and Billy Sol Estes scandals, and had strong connections to the oil industry and military-industrial complex. He desperately wanted to be president, and it is difficult to ignore that Kennedy’s death put him in the White House.

According to some accounts, Johnson and his close associate Bobby Baker even threatened to expose Kennedy’s Addison’s disease and extramarital affairs to secure the vice presidency for Johnson. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had a substantial dossier on Kennedy’s personal life. Hoover and Johnson were close, and some believe LBJ used some FBI dirt to compel Kennedy to pick him. After LBJ was announced as VP, Robert Kennedy was outraged and wanted to undo the decision. JFK supposedly told his aides, “I’m 43 years old. I’m not going to die in office. So the vice presidency doesn’t mean anything.”

LBJ’s involvement in the assassination gets even darker when you consider his ties to Texas oil tycoons like Clint Murchison and H.L. Hunt, both of whom despised Kennedy for heretofore mentioned reasons. J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ’s neighbor and ally, was in danger of being forced into retirement by Kennedy. Hoover helped make sure the investigation was geared totally toward Oswald.

Mafia kingpins Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, and Santo Trafficante had strong motives to hate JFK. They helped him to become elected through vote-rigging in Chicago, and then the Kennedys turned on them. Bobby Kennedy’s assault on organized crime was merciless. Carlos Marcello even said, “If you cut off the dog’s head, the tail dies too.” Kill JFK, and Bobby goes away, as Lyndon Johnson will not want him.

It could be that it wasn’t just one person or group that assassinated Kennedy, but an alliance of groups with mutual hatred. The CIA wanted him gone after the Bay of Pigs and due to Kennedy’s plan to possibly dismantle the CIA. Kennedy had fired the vaunted director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, who was, unbelievably, appointed to the Warren Commission to examine who killed JFK. Author David Talbot (The Devil’s Chessboard) argued that Dulles controlled aspects of the investigation and prevented scrutiny of intelligence agencies.

The CIA wanted revenge. The mob wanted revenge. Big business and Texas oil wanted to keep their financial advantages. J. Edgar Hoover hated Kennedy and had a blackmail file on him. LBJ wanted more power and had the connections and means to get it. It’s like an Agatha Christie murder mystery where you look for the killer in the room and discover that everyone in the room probably had something to do with the murder, or at least wanted it to occur. Collusion of these aforementioned entities cannot be discounted.

When they postponed the opening of the Kennedy files for decades, they thought people would lose interest. Surprise, surprise, surprise. It is the duplicity, the lies and the cover ups that have kept this a hot topic. If the folks at the CIA and FBI want this to stop, the best thing they can do is to reveal everything; assuming most of the more salient documents have not disappeared already.

We can now definitively say that there was a conspiracy and that Oswald was a fall guy. Can we say, with confidence, who were the planners of the assassination? If the Kennedy documents have not been tampered with over all these decades (what do you think the chances of that are?) then hopefully we can learn the names of the people Oswald wanted us to know before they silenced the patsy. As it stands, the list of possibles (the CIA, FBI, Mafia, Texas oilmen and Lyndon Johnson himself), is so dripping in corruption and immorality that they are all, in a de facto sense, guilty of the assassination.

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