
Inclusive AI: A Game Changer for Nonprofits and Disability-Inclusive Climate Activism

For several years, discussions around AI and climate change have focused on its resource intensity,…

Social Media Journalism in the Face of McCarthyite Political Suppression

As an Iranian, I know that posting on social media can be very influential in…

Healing the Intergenerational Trauma of Indian Boarding Schools

While Indigenous Peoples Day has come and gone, the intergenerational trauma of Indian boarding schools…

Climate refugees must be given international legal refugee status.

Millions of terrified, traumatized people have no place to go and no legal recourse. The…

You Shouldn’t Have to Pay for Your College Rape

Last month, Senator Tim Kaine introduced the SUCCESS Act, to support student survivors of sexual assault and…

Same Song, Different Dance: Name, Image, and Likeness Disguised as College Athlete Empowerment

As Sunday night football returns to television sets and streaming platforms, football has seen a dramatic…

Climate Nihilism is a privilege young Americans can’t afford

November is the month of kindness, but its message may fall flat this year. A…

I am a real-life double exceptional high-achieving autistic woman. My life is not like ‘The Big Bang Theory’

“You can’t sit there; that’s my spot!” yells The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper. As…

Will the UN ever be able to eradicate systemic racism within?

In the midst of the Israel-Hamas conflagration, a significant anniversary at the United Nations –October…

The Imperative of Trans Solidarity in Red States

This year has seen an unprecedented wave of almost 500 anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ bills that…

What Senator Cory Booker gets wrong about Black people and AI

Recently, Senator Cory Booker sat down with tech insiders to discuss equity, discrimination, and Blackness, as…

Political Performative Narcissists are so entertaining – let’s just not vote for them

Nov. 7 is voting day. It’s not the big show, it’s an off-off-Broadway run not…

Affirmative Action Reboot: Make Admissions More Fair This Year

Just over 20 years ago as a new Cambridge University graduate, I got on a…

People in grief need allies

The last time I saw Dylan he was dancing on my front porch steps. He…

ChatGPT for therapy? Houston, we have a problem

The US Space Force has clamped down on its use of ChatGPT, citing security concerns and the…