Business & Economy

Gig Work: Flexibility or Exploitation?

No one should have to choose between their family’s health and financial survival. No parent should ever have to decide between showing up for their child and affording basic survival. This fight isn’t just about wages or policies—it’s about the future for everyone.

Just Say Yes: DEI is an Ongoing Necessity

Inequality and privilege continue to be an American reality. Policies and initiatives to maintain and…

More than GDP: Why Green Jobs Count and How to Count Them

GDP has a way of over simplifying the most important things. A basic tally that…

U.S. corporations should provide better retirement safety to their employees

Every tax season, I encounter many clients with similar problems.  A common issue is their…

Why financial abuse of older adults in Puerto Rico is a public health issue

Financial exploitation of older adults in Puerto Rico is a widespread and underreported problem, and it…

Reimagining the American Dream: Bridging Homeownership, Sustainability, and Equity

Homeownership is more than a status symbol; it is interwoven into the fabric of the…

Supporting Black Entrepreneurship, Leveling the Playing Field

California recently passed a Bill requiring venture capital (VC) firms to disclose diversity data about their portfolio…

Employees Need More Remote Work Options and Workplace Transparency, Not Return To Office Mandates

A study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that most bosses are not…

A Way To Ensure The Future: The Dangers of Reducing ESG to Environmentalism Only

As summer ends and we reflect on world-wide heatwaves, a bevy of natural disasters, and…

Protestors and Those Who Plan to Suppress Them in Sri Lanka

The government of Sri Lanka published its proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) on 17 March 2023. If…

Retaining Workers in a “Buyer’s Market”

Despite record-low unemployment as the economy emerges from the pandemic, companies continue to struggle to retain their workforce. Employee…

Did IMF discourage policies that would harm prosperity of Sri Lanka?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all its…

Borrowing from Peter to Pay Paul: Sri Lanka’s Latest Strategy is Celebrated on the Streets

‘Sri Lanka must pay their outstanding and new loans to various lenders for decades to…

If you were a bank, would you lend to these people?

My credit score is pretty good.  I have neglected an occasional medical bill thinking that…

Post-Tsunami to Now: Why Can’t Sri Lanka Catch a Break?

Sri Lanka was struck by a tsunami resulting from the Indian Ocean earthquake on boxing…