The 5 questions that helped me drink less and live better

Last year, when friends asked me to do Dry January with them, I refused. No hesitation, no qualms. My answer was no. The rigid restriction of cutting out alcohol completely for the…


The OpEd Project’s Public Voices Fellowship is a national initiative to dramatically increase the public impact of our nation’s top underrepresented thinkers, and to ensure our ideas help shape the important conversations of our age. Click here to read more.


Self-Care in the Age of Brawny Machismo

The brawny machismo of yesteryear has returned with full vengeance as politicians and billionaires have been flexing, preening and most ironically, fist-pumping to YMCA, a song noted for decades as a gay…

Can we speak out on Palestine yet?

The U.S. president has essentially called for the ethnic cleansing and U.S. takeover of Gaza, while requesting yet another billion in military aid to Israel, including the release of the hold on…

Narratives Matter: Truth & Opportunity Can Shape Policies, Lives

Long live Peter!

Remember the young girl hanging on the monkey bar with hair touching the ground, the scrawny child who frightened with a cleft palate, the gal you gawked at as though a unicorn…